Thursday, November 01, 2007

Franklin Graham coming to Tacoma this weekend

If my understanding is correct, this blog is not being used much as of late.

In any case, I am hours away from wondering what great spiritual move might take place in our region this weekend as the church of Pierce County hosts the Pacific Northwest Franklin Graham Festival at the Tacoma Dome.

This event has been literally years in the making. Much prayer and intercession has been going upward for an opportunity of this scale to come to our region.

I wonder if any tangible evidence will be manifest after this weekend? I wonder if there will be a measurable change, not just in the church setting but in our community culture?
  • Will our public schools be different?
  • Will our crime rates drop significantly?
  • Will poverty be minimized?
  • Will love for our fellow man be more evident?
  • Will divorces go down?
  • Will spousal abuse be a thing of the past?
  • Will children be more loved and cared for in a strong family setting?
  • Will the killing of unborn children be significantly decreased?
  • Will the purity of love be saved and reserved for the marriage bed?
  • Will the acceptance of porn in our community, find a one way road out to hell where it came from?
  • Will fighting between turned to better listening and concern for the well being of the other?
  • Will our political leaders be empowered with courage to lead this culture of change?
  • Will our young people find a place in our hearts again because we have pushed them away in our selfishness?

These and countless other pains and evils have plagued the people of this region and by default has created a culture of oppression and heaviness that had affected all spheres of our lives, both physically and emotionally along with spiritually and financially.

Will there be a tangible difference as a result of this Pacific Northwest Franklin Graham Festival?

Has the Spirit of God ordained this event to showcase His power?

Will the name of Jesus Christ ring through out this region and blow over every high thing that would dare stand opposed to Him?

Only time will tell.

Dean Johnson