In a parallel metaphor to that of the "Frozen Waters," the Pierce Pastors prayed this morning about the "docked assets" in Tacoma. It's great to own a boat, but sadly, many yachts stay in the marina most of the year. Similarly, the church has many spiritual and material assets that remain tied to the dock, i.e., remain
unused for the Kingdom.
In the Spirit-led prayers this morning, we began to explore the nature of the "anchors" that keep a congregation and their assets from leaving the harbor. On one extreme, the binding anchor could be false doctrine. Short of that problem, a faulty philosophy of ministry could keep us from catching the wind of the Spirit. For some of us the fear of change and of losing "control" keeps us tied to the dock or anchored in the bay. We can remain in complete control of our ship and need fear no storm as long as we're safely anchored and going nowhere!
God grant us the courage to cut the anchors loose and let the Spirit blow us where He will (John 3.8).