Seven Words from the Pierce Pastors' Prayer Encounter (Nov. 10-12, 2003)
Here's what the Lord has been saying to me:
(1) A fragmented church affronts the Living God (as much as any Goliath ever did).
(2) God's house in Pierce county will not stand if God's builders in Pierce county do not obey*. (Cf. Mat. 7.26)
(3) "Loving one another" begins with pastors (John 13.34,35).
(4) Congregations must see their pastors model authentic friendship. (Cf. 1 Cor. 4.15,16)
(5) Authentic brotherhood is based on the foundation of servanthood (John 15.15 & 20.17).
(6) Tithing my time means giving a tenth of my time to my fellow ministers.**
(7) Unity is not a dilution of the truth but a concentration of the truth.
*the mandate to build together.
** "fellow ministers" includes both in-house staff, and outside peers.